Saturday, June 19, 2010

Journal #8

Journal #8 Relating Concept of Sustainabilty

I have gained sufficient knowledge about becoming more sustainable; reducing my carbon footprint, recycling, and living with what I need, rather than want. All though it will be a difficult task, my goal is to reduce my ecological footprint by 50%. This will include driving less and biking more, always trying to save energy when not needed, and educating my close ones about how to become more environmentally sustainable- meeting needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for future generations. For instance, there is a convenient store located on just about every corner in Naples FL and I think lower my carbon footprint could be easily achieved if I rode my bike to the store instead of driving my car. Small choices like this will set an example for others to follow. Even though my car is small and some may not think it is producing a lot of CO2 researches suggest a gallon of gasoline produces 20 pounds of CO2! Limiting my driving amount could save roughly 5 gallons a week or 100 pounds of CO2! Efforts to limit harmful effects of gasoline must start locally and they will expand globally. Other daily routines I par take in may not be so sustainable, so I am working to reduce my energy wasting lifestyle. Limiting source reduction- generation of waste- is another way how I strive to become more environmentally sustainable. In the career of management one must make choices and become a leader in the business/ community. There is a lot that can be done to maintain a more sustainable business and to ensure the negative impacts on the environment are kept to a minimal, which in return will save the company money, ensure the preservation of the environment, and build the reputation and character of the company.

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